Saturday, 22 December 2018

T-Mobile OnePlus 6T MSMDownloadTool Firmware 9.0 v1 & v2

Okay folks, took forever to find, but we finally have it, the T-Mobile OnePlus 6T MSMDownloadTool, your brick savior, bootloader relocker, among other things, I will include a basic faq at the end.


1. Windows PC
2. OnePlus 6T - T-Mobile Version ONLY (It will fail otherwise).
3. Zip linked below, unzip and keep all files within the same folder.

Steps to restore are as follows:

1. Open up your working folder and run MsmDownloadTool V4.0.exe
2. Power off the device, unplugged from the working pc. 
3. Holding Volume up and down together, plug the device into the working pc (device should now show up in the tool, if it doesn't you may need the qualcomm usb drivers)
4. Once your device shows up, hit start and sit tight, device will reboot upon completion.

MSMDownloadTool 9.0v2: DOWNLOAD LINK
MSMDownloadTool 9.0v1: DOWNLOAD LINK

USB Drivers can be found here: